A modern profitable Laundromat is dependent on the right Location, Design, and Equipment.  Leave any of the three out and no matter how well done the others are you’ll be better off putting your hard earned investment in the casino slot machines.  CleanWash Laundry Systems helps new and existing laundromat owners select the best locations with laundry customer driven designs and the right equipment.  Best of all these services are free with equipment purchase.  Our services include:

  • Portfolio of pre-selected sites in metropolitan areas across our territory.
  • Custom Demographics based on successful laundromat profiles.
  • Custom store design based on the location and demograpics.
  • Estimated revenue numbers and Pro Forma to help you make the right decision.

Call CleanWash Laundry Systems today at 888-990-7191 and start or further your journey into Entrepreneurship.